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Estate and Trust Disputes

The distribution of a deceased loved one's estate can be a complex and difficult process. Wills and trusts can be contested on a variety of grounds. The administration process can also be disputed by involved parties who believe their rights have been disregarded. Fiduciaries and administrators can have their performance challenged and beneficiaries can sue for increased inheritances including a spouse's right of election. These are serious legal matters and parties involved in estate litigation need legal assistance and guidance to prosecute or defend against these claims.

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If you are considering legal action or are interested in learning more about your rights during the asset distribution process, find out how Westlake Law Group can assist you in the following areas of estate litigation:

  • Will & Trust Contests – Wills and trusts can be challenged if it is suspected that the will or trust is not legally valid or if the person who was writing the will or trust was wrongly influenced while creating it.
  • Power of Attorney Contests – These occur when agents misuse their power of attorney privileges or incorrectly handle the assets associated with an estate.
  • Breach of Fiduciary Duty Suits – These occur when the executor/administrator/trustee handles an estate's assets incorrectly or illegally.
  • Fraudulent Transfers – Unauthorized or deceptive movements of assets away from an estate.
  • Protection of Beneficiary Rights – If you are being denied the inheritance you believe you deserve, learn about your rights as a beneficiary. Wills and Trusts Construction – Clarifying a confusing or ambiguous will or trust document.
  • Trust Reformation – Restructuring a trust for tax purposes.

It is important to note that the time restrictions for pursuing legal action during probate can often be limited to days and weeks rather than months or years. After probate is completed, it is normally not possible to initiate legal action. Therefore, it is imperative to get prompt legal advice from attorneys who are both highly experienced with and knowledgeable about all facets of estate litigation. Westlake Law Group litigates estate cases in the Los Angeles and Ventura Superior Courts.

Westlake Law Group is also aware that some cases can best be resolved through alternate means such as mediation and arbitration. Depending upon the situation, court proceedings may or may not provide the highest reward, or the quickest, most economical resolution of a case. It is by formulating advantageous litigation and negotiation strategies that Westlake Law Group maintains its excellent reputation in the area of estate litigation. If you suspect that the transfer of an estate's assets has been handled incorrectly, unfairly or illegally, please contact us at 818-444-2022, or send an immediate e-mail inquiry to one of our qualified lawyers.

Contact Us Today

Westlake Law Group is committed to answering your questions about Estate Planning, Trust, and Probate Law issues. We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Westlake Law Group
818-444-3966 (fax)
Mon: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Tue: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Wed: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Thu: 08:30am - 05:00pm
Fri: 08:30am - 05:00pm
